Learnt A Lot of Things Regarding to Open source and It’s contribution benefits….And also how ace any interview in right approach ..and many more.
Few Outcomes:
🔰 Open-source is a platform where we can contribute to develop and modify the softwares/tools. This source code is freely available for us.That is any app Or program which is open source can be view or get easily accessible for anyone.
🔰 The contribution towards opensource helps us to get connected with developers around the world and enable our research or works to be published or recognized.
🔰Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool which is meant for scaling, deployment and management of containers in absence of any IT expert.
🔰Terraform is an automation tool and it has idempotent nature and it is a declaritive language as well as a tool for writing infrastructure as code.
🔰IAC is an Infrastructure as a Code that is we can built a complete high end architecture or infrastructure by writing the single code.
🔰AWS Cloud Support is meant for customers to help them out in Troubleshooting and also helps them to let them know more about services provided by AWS and their account management.
🔰Right concepts in DSA gives us an optimised approach in solving challenges and hence worthy for any company in hiring along with trouble shooting skills.
Thank you LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd for such amazing expert sessions that made me worth of two weekends😇😇😇